BEAMeeting Paris 2024
We are very pleased to announce the GenISys BEAMeeting to be held on May 15 and 16, 2024 at the C2N-CNRS Palaiseau/Paris.
Time: Wednesday, May 15th 13:00 – 17:00 CEST BEAMeeting
Thursday, May 16th 9:00 – 13:00 CEST BEAMeeting
Place: C2N-CNRS Palaiseau/Paris - 10 Boulevard Thomas Gobert, 91120 Palaiseau, France
You can also send a short e-mail to Mr. Edmond Cambril:
BEAMeetings are a technical exchange platform for the direct write community focused on e-Beam and laser lithography, data-preparation, PEC, process correction, and lithography simulation. It is a platform for BEAMER users and those who are interested in GenISys software.
This time the GenISys BEAMeeting will take place at C2N-CNRS Palaiseau/Paris in France, we would like to invite all partners, e-beam and laser lithography users join the meeting. This is also a great opportunity for customers to present their latest results and new ideas, so please let us know ( if you would like to present a subject which would be of interest to the Beamer/LAB/ProSEM community. The agenda will be based on your input. Please do not hesitate to communicate requests and suggestions to make the BEAMeeting most interesting and valuable for the BEAMER community.
We look forward to numerous registrations and will be welcoming you to C2N-CNRS Palaiseau/Paris for an impressive and successful BEAMeeting. We will do our best to ensure a comfortable and successful Event.
More details will follow later, please stay tuned to our website and follow GenISys LINKEDIN.