UK BEAMeeting 2024 - Southampton

We are very pleased to announce that our UK BEAMeeting 2024 will be held on Wednesday, February 21st, 2024, at the Southampton University.

Time: Wednesday, 21st of February, 2024
Place: Physic Department Seminar Room (Building 46 Room 5081), Southampton University, UK

GenISys, in collaboration with Southampton University, will be hosting the UK BEAMeeting on 21 February at Southampton University. The BEAMeeting will consist of updates from the GeniSys, an open technical exchange session and insightful customer presentations showcasing their facilities and projects.

BEAMeetings are a technical exchange platform for the direct write community focused on e-Beam and laser lithography, data-preparation, PEC, process correction, lithography simulation, and metrology. This is a great opportunity to meet with the GenISys and Southampton team, have face-to-face in-depth discussions, exchange ideas and position your needs and wishes.

We are still working on the program. If you want to give a presentation, we would be very glad to accommodate you.

The BEAMeeting is free of charge. Lunch and coffee/drinks are included.

Please feel free to share this information with interested colleagues who may wish to join the BEAMeeting.

Please contact us ( if you have any questions or any suggestions.

UK BEAMeeting Preliminary Agenda

BEAMeeting_UK_2024_Agenda_Final.pdf (200.1 KiB)

More Events will follow, so please follow us on LinkedIn.

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